Monday, September 3, 2012

Color Run 2012!

Happy Labor Day everyone! We had a bit of a rainy labor day here in Birmingham, but I wanted to show you pictures of the adventure we had even in the rain! We ran the Color Run here in Birmingham. Most of you probably know what that is, but if you don't it is basically a fun 5K run where you get blasted with color! Don't worry the color is just colored cornstarch, but every kilometer people throw the powder on you until you are covered in all different colors! Then at the end there is a big color party where you have your own colored powder tho throw. Jamey, Mallory, Jennie and Annie all did it just for fun and we had a blast! It rained the ENTIRE time we were there for the race, but we didn't let it damper our fun. Everyone just ran in the rain! We probably weren't as colorful as we would have been had it not rained, but I think we had just as much fun. One thing we weren't expecting though was the HILLS! The race was on the Barber Motor sports race track and we thought since it was a race track it would be flat the entire way. Boy were we wrong! It was practically hills the whole time, or at least it felt that way when you were running!! Mallory's and my goal was just to run the whole 5K and finish it and we succeeded! Jamey was of course the speedy one that clocked in at around 21 or 22 minutes. He probably could have ran faster, but there were thousands of people that ran the race so there was a lot of congestion and sometimes you couldn't go as fast as you would like. Well enough chatter here are the pictures!

Before the race

Right after the race, but before the Color Party
Showing off our tiny tats

He ran too fast for them to get him with color! 

Chest Bumps after the race

Color Party! 

I promise those aren't my panties just the shorts under my skirt!

Oh and here is what we have been doing on our night off at the Hurst household......


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