Thursday, May 17, 2012

On My Way to Being a Housewife

JUST KIDDING! This week I have been on my A game for my wifely duties, though. Work has been slow this week because I have had computer difficulties, and if anyone has ever hung around any accounting firm, they know that without a computer, you can do ABSOLUTELY NO work. Y'all, I was reading books at work while waiting for my computer to get fixed because that is how much of nothing you can get done while you don't have a computer.

 Back to the point of this story though... I have gotten home every day and cooked supper, and of course my lovely hubby helped out. I also didn't work yesterday, so I began the packing up of the apartment process. Today Jamey had to work late (on his first week...oh wait..I think I worked late on my first week too...workaholics?) so, I cleaned up the apartment and got dinner together for when he got home.

I am not saying all this to brag about how awesome of a wife I am. I am saying this to tell you something that I have discovered about being a wife, something that is slightly different than just being a girlfriend or fiance. I have discovered that, somehow, when the ring goes on the finger you really do become one with the other person. You want to do everything that you can to make that persons life easier and better. You want to have dinner ready for them everyday and to make sure the house is spick and span. You want them to have everything in life that they want and more. I want to be by his side forever. Maybe it is all in my head, but I've talked to others and they felt it too when they got married. I think that it has something to do with what the Lord does in our hearts on that day.

We no longer have to guard our hearts. We are committed for life. When that day ended, we were one, and all the petty things in our relationship dissolved. Now I don't mean that we still don't get annoyed by each other. I still get peeved when Jamey leaves doors open and he still gets annoyed when I insist on texting when it would just be easier to call. But somehow those things became second to our commitment to one another. At the end of the day, I will always love Jamey and I will apologize daily for all the stupid things I do that don't show Jamey my love for him, and he does the same for me.

Right now I am typing to the noise of my bike wheels turning as Jamey oils the chain and cleans it up. This is how I know he loves me. This is how I know he will always love me, even when I'm terrified that we can't make this work because no one else can seem to make a marriage last. The kiss he gives me every morning before he leaves for work and the one he gives me as soon as he walks in the door lets me know the same. Just as I don't know what I would do without him, he can't imagine not being with me either. Every night as he reads the Word to me or listens to me reading the Word I know that the Lord is watching over this marriage, and as long as we stay true Him and to each other we can make this work forever.

My marriage is a daily blessing to me. Honestly, I don't know what our years together will hold, but I know that we can take whatever  comes our way, and that makes me happier than I've ever been.

Stay strong single girls! Wait for the Lord's man for you because I can't imagine what my marriage would be without exactly who the Lord picked out for me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well it Finally Happened

Yep, that's right. Jamey graduated college! For some reason this was more momental to me than my own graduation. I mean of course it meant that we finally get to live together, but I think it was more than that. I lived my college life up.

If the choice was between hanging out with friends or doing school work I usually chose friends. Don't get me wrong, I graduated with above a 3.5 and did my fair share of studying, but my graduation meant I was finally done with the awful thing people called an education and it meant I was finally able to marry Jamey. Jamey's graduation was something of more an accomplishment. He took over 18 hours every semester and graduated Suma Cum Laude with two different bachelor degrees and a minor. Even though it wasn't actually my accomplishment I couldn't help feel proud and nostalgic over the last four years. Every phone call that was put to the wayside to study for that test or every road trip that had to be cancelled because that paper was due on Monday or even those socials and sorority events that Jamey could never make it to because they interfered with class time. They were all worth it in the end. His accomplishments in college are too numerous to count and I couldn't be more proud of my hubby!

Well, now here we are, back in Birmingham. I think we both couldn't wait for this day to come then we finally got here and we weren't sure what to do with it. So, Sunday we did what I guess any young working couple does and lazed around catching up on the missed TV shows on DVR, played video games, shopped for groceries and relaxed in every way possible. Yep, that is right. Pretty anti-climatic right? Well I don't think either of us could have imagined anything more perfect. 

Jamey started work on Monday, and from what I can tell is liking his new job. I went back to work today and other than a little technical difficulties with computers it was back to the daily grind for me. We are enjoying working and cooking and hanging out every night together. Eventually we will have to try to be more productive with our afternoons after work, but I think for right now we are content at the fact that it is a Tuesday night and we are actually sitting beside each other on the couch. 

We move over Memorial Day weekend to our new more permanent apartment in Hoover. Jamey is excited that he will no longer have an hour commute to work :) I'm a little hesitant to move out of my first apartment as a big girl, but our other one suits us both more and I'm excited for that. The Lord has blessed us in more ways than we can count right now and we are excited to see what this chapter in our life holds. We can't wait to get plugged in here in Birmingham and see what the Lord calls us to do. Pray over us that we will find out what that is! 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Guess What.

We don't agree on everything... shocking I know. Actually, we probably don't agree on most things. Jamey the laid back introvert and Morgan the controlling extrovert have had to get used to doing things a little differently over the years. Well, all of you probably know this about us, and most of the time I think we would say that we agree on the "important" things and that everything else doesn't really matter anyway....

Well, we might have been just a little wrong in that department too because the other day we had a disagreement (for the lack of a better word) about theology and evolution. Yes, even our arguments are nerdy. Well, most people would say that theology is probably something that married couples shouldn't be fighting about. I mean hadn't we already figured all that stuff out before we decided to tie the knot?? Sadly we hadn't and we still haven't figured it all out because this isn't the first disagreement we have had about theology and it probably won't be the last. I (Morgan) was a little freaked out going to bed that night because my thoughts process goes along the lines of "We can disagree about everything, but the Lord is the thing that is supposed to bring us together, so why can't we just agree?" I think I prayed about a million times yesterday for us to have understanding for each other's views and for the Lord to show us a way to agree.

Then something even more awesome happened today. The Lord answered another prayer of ours. A prayer that had been on our hearts for awhile. Something that was near and dear to both of us. A prayer to help someone else in need. There we were clinging to each other for another reason. We were drawing closer to each other and to the Lord in an even greater way. The Lord answered the prayers for us to agree, but not in the way I had thought. That is when I realized that the Lord wants us to glorify Him in our lives. That the Lord doesn't necessarily care whether we have the intricacies of creation figured out, but more importantly He is going to draw us together by letting us show love to others through Him.

Yesterday we didn't go to bed angry at each other. We made up of our mutual love of all things clean in a house. So with a toilet brush in Jamey's hand and a broom in mine we said our "I'm sorrys" and went on with life, but the Lord hadn't been done with us yet. He had better things to show us, and I will never cease to be amazed at His ways. So while we discovered we don't have to have everything figured out (much to both our dismays), we are called to love others and to glorify the Lord in that. Until the day that the Lord explains His wonderful ways to us we will continue to love Him and love others.

Monday, May 7, 2012

We began our adventure together 4 1/2 years ago today, and one year ago we decided to become husband and wife. The past few years seemed to have flown by, but here we are, graduates of college, employees, and married. We are now coming to a new chapter in our lives, and we will finally live a "normal" married life together. We couldn't be more excited at the thought! We know that this will bring new and exciting things to our lives, but we are sure they will be some conflicts we can't forsee.    We hope to keep this blog as a way to share our lives, and as a way to always be able to look back at where we started.

We definitely won't be posting everyday, but we hope to  keep this updated pretty regularly. With everything from our daily struggles and triumphs in our new life together to our worldly travels and everything in between.

I hope you all enjoy this adventure along with us!